Crashlands v1.0.10 APK

Crashlands v1.0.10 APK

Free Download  Crashlands v1.0.10 APK [TERBARU]- Halo apa kabar kawan kawan semua salam super untuk kita semua yang sedang berada di blog ini dan juga sedang membaca artikel ini oke langsung saja kawan kawan biar nggak lama lama oke . Pada good well kan hari ini saya harap kawan kawan semua pada sehat soalnya pada kesempatan yang sangat berbahagia ini saya akan menmbagikan game yang seru nih guys game ini udah pernah saya posting LINK namun game ini sekarang memiliki versi yang baru lo kawan yang lebih baru dan lebih heboh kawan kawan sumpah dah kawan oke kawan kawan bisa langusung download gamenya di MAJANGONES.BLOGSPOT.COM .  Crashlands v1.0.10 APK game ini memang bikin greget lo kawan kawan sekalian soalnya nih game  Crashlands v1.0.10 APK adalah game yang cukup sulit namun bisa bikin ketagihan apalagi bisa menyelesaikan misi misi yang ada dalam game ini kawan kawan gimana tertarik dan ingin memainkanya tidak usah khawatir saya sudah siapkan gamenya kok oke check it out first.

Fitur - Fitur :

Expansive Crafting System
Unlock over 500 craftable items as you explore the world and learn its secrets!

● Self-managing, Infinite Inventory
In Crashlands, your inventory is infinite, manages itself, and retrieves your tools when you need them, so you can focus on adventuring, questing, and building. You'll never have dig through your bag or return to your base to free up inventory space!

● RPG-Style Character Progression
Become more powerful through creating ever-more-amazing items! As you grow in power, you can venture to new regions of the world, meet strange characters, discover new stories, and encounter new and interesting enemies.

● Skill-Based Combat
Learn the attacks of the enemies you encounter, and use your skill, agility, and wits to defeat them! You can even augment your fighting prowess with the power of the dozens of gadgets you can craft. Set your enemies on fire, stun them, slow down time, and more!

● Intuitive Base Building
Building a base in Crashlands is so simple it feels like fingerpainting. You can create beautiful, sprawling bases in minutes!

● Tameable Creatures
Every creature in Crashlands can become a trusty combat sidekick. Find an egg, incubate it, and hatch your very own adorable or hideous bundle of joy. You can even craft special items to grow and empower them!

● Huge World... with Huge Problems
Four sentient races, three continents, an epic bid for the future of the planet, and you - trapped in the middle, trying to deliver your freakin' packages. Take your time to dive into the sidestories of the characters you meet or just rush headlong into making that special delivery. With hundreds upon hundreds of quests, there's a lot to do and discover on planet Woanope!

● Crossplatforminess
Just because your battery died, doesn't mean your fun has to die with it. You can transfer your Crashlands save to any other device you own Crashlands on. It has true cross-platform support!

Hal Baru dalam Versi game yang baru

  • Minor Bugfix Patch
  • Recoded how the map is being rendered, which should fix the black-line-on-map problem. Your map will have to be redrawn after you update, which can take a minute or two.
  • A bunch of other small fixes.
  • Read the full patch notes:
  • For help:
OS Minimal = 2.3+

Screenshot :

Link Download 

Oke kawan kawan semua itu dia sedikit info yang dapat saya jelaskan pad artikel ini keren bukan , oke kawan kawan mungkin itu saja yang dapat saya jelaskan selebihnya mohon maaf bila ada salah ketik dan salah informasi dari artikel ini dan jangan lupa juga tunggu update game , software dan bbm terbaru di MAJANGONES.BLOGSPOT.COM semoga bermanfaat bagi kawan kawan semua ketemu lagi dengan saya di lain waktu dan saya ucapkan terimakasih.

Crashlands v1.0.10 APK

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